Youth Ministries
Pictured: Teenagers who believe Jesus are seen here listening to bible study and gospel songs. The River of Life ministry delivers these to families in North Korea. These teens are all cousins and enjoying the ministry/lessons of Jesus Christ.
Bible Study
Pictured: New believers in Pyongyang (faces blurred to preserve identity). As part of our Four Step Approach, River of Life sends money twice a year to sustain living conditions while also delivering Bible-based collateral.

Religious Freedom
Video footage obtained by the BBC shows a North Korean court sentencing two 16-year-old boys to 12 years of hard labor for watching a South Korean television show, known as a k-drama. North Korea cracks down on interaction and reconciliation with its neighbor to the south. Jan 18, 2024
River of Life is committed to reach/serve those suffering from this Totalitarian regime.
Praying in Silence
Pictured: Underground remnants in Pyongyang praying in silence and secrecy. North Korea worshippers of the one true God must pray in secret our face penalties up to imprisonment or execution.
River of Life delivers financial resources, phones, medical supplies and Christ-based collateral.
Learn more.

Poverty and Hunger
Normal, middle-class people of North Korea are seeing starvation in their neighborhoods. Women and Children suffer this plight the most. River of Life's Four Step approach includes medical supplies and professional consultation. Learn more.
Life Changing Phones
One of the North Korean defectors, moved by the vision of helping families, recalled a friend they had worked with seven years ago when they were still in North Korea. Through an intermediary broker, they managed contact and delivered a North Korean mobile phone. Upon receiving the phone (followed by monetary support), the friend was overwhelmed with gratitude, saying they would never forget this kindness for the rest of their life.
He was too emotional to continue speaking.

Baptism on the Mountain
We recently and secretly performed a baptism for a believer in a certain area of North Korea. We instructed him to bring a small bottle of water and climb up a mountain, and we explained the meaning of baptism.
Then, we had him kneel down, poured the water he brought over his head, and prayed for him. It was an incredibly moving moment. We all cried together.